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What are the seven deadly sins?

What are the seven deadly sins?

The seven deadly sins are also called the seven capital sins or the seven cardinal sins—cardinal in this context meaning, “of basic importance” or “extremely grave.” The seven deadly sins are considered to be the most basic sins that plague humanity and the sins that are most likely to beset us. Each of the seven deadly sins leads to other sins; for example, anger can lead to evil speaking, violence, or murder

Here is a brief description of each of the seven deadly sins:

Pride — An inflated, unrealistic sense of your self-worth.

Envy — The feeling that you deserve the possessions, success, virtues, or talents of another person.

Gluttony — An excessive desire for the pleasure of eating and drinking.

Lust — A selfish focus on sex or a desire to have sexual pleasure with someone other than your spouse.

Anger — An excessive, improper desire to exact revenge.

Greed — A strong desire for possessions, especially for possessions belonging to another.

Sloth — Lack of effort in the face of a necessary task, causing it to go undone (or done badly).
