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Mary and Martha

Jesus, Mary and Martha

At the Home of Martha and Mary

The Bible Story of Mary and Martha comes from Chapter 10 of the Gospel of Luke. Mary and Martha, who are sisters, open their home to Jesus as he travels with his disciples. As Martha hurries to ensure the preparations, Mary simply sits at the feet of Jesus and listens to the wisdom of Christ.

In Luke 10:38-42, Martha works hard to welcome Jesus to her home. Her sister, Mary of Bethany, simply sits at his feet and listens. Both Mary and Martha serve, yet Mary understands the priority and necessity of choosing to abide with Christ.

What can we learn from Mary and Martha?

The story of Mary and Martha teaches us that we need to be both a Mary and a Martha. We need to keep our priorities in the right order. No matter how busy our lives are, we need to seek God first in everything that we do and then get busy with the million and one tasks that need urgent attention
