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Tag: The Apocryphal Books

Book of Jubilees

What is the Book of Jubilees and should it be in the Bible?

The Book of Jubilees, sometimes called the “Lesser Genesis,” “Little Genesis,” or “The Testament of Moses,” is a pseudepigraphal work of Jewish apocalyptic literature. It was probably written in the second century BC, sometime between 135 and 105. The Book of Jubilees records an account of biblical history from the creation of the world to the time of Moses, as delivered to Moses by an angel on Sinai. The book divides history into periods or “jubilees” of 49 years. Generally, the Book of Jubilees follows the account of creation as recorded in the Book of Genesis, but it inserts interesting details such as the names of Adam’s daughters and the creation of angels. Some scholars consider the Book of Jubilees to be an extended midrash on Genesis through the first part of Exodus.

The only complete text of the Book of Jubilees still extant is an Ethiopic manuscript from the sixth century AD. It contains 1,307 verses. Most scholars believe that the book was originally written in Hebrew or Aramaic. That theory is bolstered by the discovery among the Dead Sea Scrolls of fragmented Hebrew texts containing portions of the Book of Jubilees. So far, at least fifteen separate manuscripts of the Book of Jubilees have been identified at Qumran. All have been reduced to fragments (“The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Book of Jubilees,” VanderKam, J., and Morgan, S., The Missouri Review, the College of Arts & Science of the University of Missouri, 12/1/1992), and those fragments provide only about 3 percent of the total content of the book. There are also some fragments of Jubilees existing today in Greek and Latin, but nowhere near a complete book in either of those languages or in Hebrew.

According to the Book of Jubilees, on Mt. Sinai “the angel of the presence spake to Moses according to the word of the Lord, saying: Write the complete history of the creation” (Jubilees 2:1, Charles, R. H., trans., 1902). This angel told Moses that God created various categories of angels on the first day of creation. Great stress is laid on the Sabbath in Jubilees 2:17–32. In chapter 3, Adam and Eve are in Eden for a period of seven years. Then, after “seven years exactly,” the serpent tempted Eve (Jubilees 3:17). It was only after the fall that Adam had sex with his wife (Jubilees 3:34).

Jubilees chapter 4 introduces Noah and his wife (who is named Emzara). Chapter 5 narrates the flood. The author of Jubilees writes that, after the flood, God says to Noah, “Command thou the children of Israel that they observe the years according to this reckoning—three hundred and sixty-four days, and (these) will constitute a complete year” (Jubilees 5:32). The 364-day solar year (rather than the 360-day lunar year) is one of the main thrusts of the Book of Jubilees.

Some scholars have pointed out that it appears that Jubilees was written precisely for the purpose of pushing the author’s commitment to a solar-based calendar. In Jubilees, God is concerned that His people might “disturb all their seasons and the years will be dislodged . . . and they will neglect their ordinances” (Jubilees 6:33). It’s true that the sun keeps a more regular schedule than the moon. So, in Jubilees, to prevent confusion and to keep holy days from getting “dislodged,” God instituted the 364-day solar calendar. Under that system, since 7 is a factor of 364, the same date falls on the same day of the week each year (e.g., every year July 4 would be on the same day of the week).

The command governing the calendar reflects another major emphasis in Jubilees: the laws concerning Sabbaths, Passover, firstfruits, and other holy days. The author of Jubilees claims that the feasts of the Lord were observed by the patriarchs long before the time of Moses. Circumcision is also stressed in the book, which promises “great wrath from the Lord” on uncircumcised Israelites (Jubilees 15:40).

The author of the Book of Jubilees was probably an Essene member of the Qumran community—the people who copied and preserved the Dead Sea Scrolls. Theological and cultural details within the book differ from the teachings of both the Pharisees and the Sadducees. The calendar system advocated in Jubilees is the one used in other Essene writings.

The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is the only group today that accepts the Book of Jubilees as canonical. There are several problems with including the Book of Jubilees in the Bible as part of inspired Scripture. Probably the most significant is that the author of Jubilees, in retelling the story of Genesis, changes the biblical record in several respects. In general, the patriarchs are glorified as holy men who were scrupulous in keeping the law—even the ceremonial aspects—long before Moses climbed Sinai. As portayed in the Book of Jubilees, Jacob does not lie to his father; Isaac eventually declares Jacob to be his true heir, an elderly Jacob settles on Leah as the wife he loves, and Abram’s deceit of Pharaoh is never mentioned. Clearly, these heroes of the faith are handled with kid gloves by the author of Jubilees; in contrast, Scripture presents a candid record of their faults.

Further, the Book of Jubilees adds to the Law of Moses and goes far beyond Scripture in its stress on punishment. For example, if someone eats blood, “he and his seed shall be rooted out of the land” (Jubilees 6:18). A father who gives his daughter in marriage to a Gentile “shall surely die, and they shall stone him with stones . . . and they shall burn the woman with fire” (Jubilees 30:11–12). Adding to the Bible, the Book of Jubilees says that during the Feast of Tabernacles (which Abraham first celebrated) Israel is to “set wreaths upon their heads” and carry branches around the altar seven times each morning (Jubilees 16:39, 41). Also, Jubilees stipulates the type of wood to be used for the fire of the burnt offering (Jubilees 21:16–19).

In summary, the Book of Jubilees adds to the Mosaic Law, leans toward hagiography, introduces sectarian teachings regarding the calendar, and lacks sufficient manuscript evidence. For each of these reasons, Jubilees fails the standards of the canon of Scripture.

Book of Noah

What is the Book of Noah?

There is no “Book of Noah” in existence today. However, written material ascribed to Noah is mentioned in two books of Old Testament pseudepigrapha (books that falsely claim to have been written by well-known Old Testament characters) as well as in some fragments in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

In the non-canonical Book of Jubilees, Abraham calls Isaac to him and gives him some instructions regarding sacrifices and the eating of sacrificial animals. He says that he is repeating these instructions as “I have found it written in the books of my forefathers, and in the words of Enoch, and in the words of Noah” (Jubilees 21:10). Since these instructions are not found in the Bible in connection with Noah, many feel this refers to some other written source that had Noah’s name attached to it. Earlier in Jubilees, this “book” is described more fully. One of the good spirits describes its conflict with evil spirits who are attempting to lead Noah’s descendants astray. Most of the spirits are bound and condemned, but some are left as a test. God commands one of the good spirits to instruct Noah so that he and his descendants can avoid any traps:

“And one of us He commanded that we should teach Noah all their medicines; for He knew that they would not walk in uprightness, nor strive in righteousness.

“And we did according to all His words: all the malignant evil ones we bound in the place of condemnation and a tenth part of them we left that they might be subject before Satan on the earth.

“And we explained to Noah all the medicines of their diseases, together with their seductions, how he might heal them with herbs of the earth.

“And Noah wrote down all things in a book as we instructed him concerning every kind of medicine. Thus the evil spirits were precluded from (hurting) the sons of Noah.

“And he gave all that he had written to Shem, his eldest son; for he loved him exceedingly above all his sons” (Jubilees 10:10–14).

So Jubilees refers to material that was written down by Noah. The author may have indeed quoted from some existing work, a “Book of Noah,” or he may have simply ascribed things to Noah without any written source.

In the Book of Enoch (another pseudepigraphal book) chapters 50—59, there is an extensive section that refers to Noah. This is often assumed to be a fragment from the Book of Noah. Enoch, Noah’s grandfather, is the narrator. He reveals to Noah what will come to pass as well as some hidden knowledge that he will need to know. Chapter 106 gives a “prophecy” about Noah and the destruction that will come on the earth. Once again, the author of Enoch may have been quoting from some existing work, or he may have simply been using his imagination to communicate a message.

The Book of Noah is the subject of much scholarly study and speculation, but the evidence for it as a separate work is scant. However, scholars are forever in search of new angles to study. There is also an effort to put the Bible and the pseudepigraphal books (and all other ancient religious writings) on equal footing. Both are seen to be simply a record of ancient religious thoughts and experiences. If the Bible is nothing more than this, then it deserves no more attention than any other ancient religious document. However, if the Bible is God’s revealed Word, then it is more than mere religious reflections and as such deserves to be handled differently. The Book of Noah may make for an interesting topic of academic study, but the Bible explains the way to live and the way to eternal life.